Valrico Preschool Learning Center Addresses COVID-19
Wednesday, April 22nd 2020, 7:35 PM

How Is Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19?

Valrico, United States - April 20, 2020 / Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Valrico /

In these times of uncertainty, parents can be certain of Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy’s commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for the children in their care. For the parents and caregivers, this commitment brings peace of mind.

At Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, the safety and well-being of the children in their care is the highest priority. Families, teachers, and staff are included under the umbrella of safety and health. This priority is at the core of the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy mission and policies. They are pioneers in providing the utmost in safety features and procedures. Their commitment is to continue to lead the way, promoting a culture of safety and well-being.

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This caring commitment is seen in their efforts to get out in front of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. They launched a new webpage entitled “Coronavirus Precautions,” bringing awareness and information to parents and the public. The page offers helpful information from the World Health Organization about the symptoms, spread, and prevention of the contagious disease.

Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19

On Friday, March 27, 2020, the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy management team issued a letter updating families on how Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy has followed the lead of the Department of Children and Families, Office of Child Care Regulation and the CDC requirements. The Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy families have fully adhered to the new guidelines put into place to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The continued support of the families has enabled Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy to continue to employ their staff even though attendance has been understandably low.

The new guidelines and practices detailed in the letter to the families include:

Screening of parents and children at facility entrances & transfer points:

  • Children enrolled in Suites 300 to After Care are using the Kiss & Go Lane. At the point of transfer, all children are screened for their temperature. Any child with a temperature over 100.4 degrees will not be able to attend the educational preschool that day. They may return when they are well.

Handwashing by parents and children before touching door handles and entering classrooms

  • Children and parents enrolled in Suites 100-250 are permitted to enter the school only after their temperature has been taken. Parents then wash their hands and their children’s hands before touching the door handles and entering the classroom. If parents wish to give their child to a staff person at entry, the staff will take them.

End-of-day exit plan to protect children and create a smooth transition from facility to vehicle

  • At the end of the day, families call ahead to inform the staff that they are outside to pick up their children. A staff member will hand over the child to their parent once the parent moves up in the car-line line.

Manual sign-in/sign-out to further protect against the spread of the virus

  • Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy has implemented a manual sign-in/ sign-out system for children and staff. The fingerprint system has been temporarily discontinued.

Staff screening prior to entering the facility and beginning the workday

  • Every staff member is being screened before entering the building and reporting to work.
  • The enhancement programs are suspended until further notice.

Limiting outside contact with the public

  • Tours for new families are suspended.

Limiting student contact within the school setting

  • All snacks & lunches are being served inside the classrooms to avoid children being in contact with other students. The ‘family style’ dining has been suspended.
  • Outside playtime schedules have limits to the number of children out at any given time.

Accommodating the needs of Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy families with school-age children

  • The school-age program is open to help the families that need these services.

Enhanced daily and nightly cleaning and disinfecting of the entire facility

  • The nightly cleaning service and Mr. Juan have stepped up their efforts in cleaning and disinfecting the classrooms and facility.

On the Academic Front

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is rolling out a virtual curriculum for children to use at home. It will be emailed to parents on Fridays for the upcoming week. These activities are a way for families to keep their children up with the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy curriculum, even if the children are at home.

Ongoing Efforts

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy will continue to take advice from Child Care Licensing, Kids ‘R’ Kids International, DCF, The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) concerning safety measures that ensure the health and safety of the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy children, families, and staff.

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Safety, health, and well-being are core values at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico. Every effort is being made to overcome the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The children and their families, the facility, teachers, and staff come under this protective umbrella, as well. Parents can have great confidence that their children are physically, emotionally, and educationally safe and secure when at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy in Valrico, Florida.

For more information, contact Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico at (813) 657-6200.

Contact Information:

Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Valrico

4321 Lynx Paw Trail
Valrico, FL 33596
United States

Ben Fernandes
(813) 657-6200

Original Source:


We provide the most innovative facilities and effective educational programs for children.


Ben Fernandes
Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Valrico

4321 Lynx Paw Trail
Valrico, FL, 33596, United States


Phone (813) 657-6200


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